{ "Ok" : "Ok", "Cancel" : "Cancel", "Set PTZ" :" PTZ Settings ", "w_PtzConfig":"PTZ Config", "w_PTZ_Advance":"PTZ Advance Config", "w_Orbit" : "Orbit", "w_ScanBegin" : "Scan Begin", "w_ScanEnd" : "Scan End", "w_ScanOn" : "Scan On", "w_PtzRestore" : "PTZ Restore", "w_FocusRestore" : "Focus Restore", "w_GuardPos" : "Guard Position", "w_PtzReboot" : "PTZ Reboot", "w_ptz_Protocol" : "Protocol", "w_ptz_AddressPort" : "Address", "w_Baudrate" : "Baudrate", "w_DataBits" : "Data Bits", "w_StopBits" : "Stop Bits", "w_ptz_Verify" : "Verify", "w_NO" : "NO", "w_Verify_odd" : "Odd Verify", "w_Verify_even" : "Even Verify", "w_DataControl" : "Data Control", "w_DataControl_hardware" : "Hardware Control", "w_DataControl_software" : "Software Control", "w_BootAction" : "Boot Action", "w_NoAction" : "No Action", "w_CallPreset1" : "Call Preset 1", "w_AF_configuration" : "AF Configuration", "w_protocol_configuration" : "Protocol version", "w_AF_Edition_1" : "Protocol version1", "w_AF_Edition_2" : "Protocol version2", "w_Data_transmission" : "Data transmission", "w_Yuntai_transmission" : "Auto focus after the operation of the pan/tilt", "w_Always_transmission" : "Always auto focus", "w_StorePath" : "Local Store Path", "w_LocalStore" : "Local Store", "w_DiskSelect" : "Select Disk", "Add" : "Add ", "Delete" : "Delete", "Call": "Call", "Start": "Start", "Stop" : "Stop", "C_On" : "Enable", "C_Off": "Disable", "browser_h5player_tip" : "Please update your web browser to", "Firefox_version" : "Firefox 2017.09", "Chrome_version" : "Chrome 62.0.3202.94", "Opera_version" : "Opera 49.0.2725.34", "Safari_version" : "Safari 11", "Edge_version" : "Edge 41.16299.15.0", "browser_zoom_tip" : "The current zoom ratio of the browser is not 100%, will affect the video plugin zoom !", "Login failure!" : "Username or password error!", "Failed to get a user group" : "Failed to get a user group!", "The user is disabled by the administrator" : "The user is disabled by the administrator!", "Bad file format!" : "File format is invalid!", "w_Input_Username":"Please enter username!", "w_Username" : "Username", "w_password" : "Password", "w_LoginLanguage" : "Language", "w_Login" : "Login", "w_Cancel" : "Cancel", "w_Preview": "Live", "w_Review" :"Playback", "w_Setup" : "Setup", "w_LocalSetup" : "Local Setup", "w_RemoteSetup" : "Configuration", "w_StoragePath":"Storage Path", "w_LiveStoragePath":"Live :", "w_SnapStoragePath":"Snapshots Store To", "w_RecordStoragePath":"Record Store To", "w_PlaybackStoragePath":"Playback :", "w_PlaybackPictureStoragePath":"Play picture cache path", "w_Logout":"Logout", "w_MainStream":"Main Stream", "w_SecondStream" : "Sub Stream", "Third Stream" : "Third Stream", "w_ptz_control_title":"PTZ", "w_Step": "Speed", "w_Speed_1_10": "Speed(1-10):", "w_Zoom" :"Zoom", "w_Focus" :"Focus", "w_Iris" :"Iris", "w_Value" :"No.", "w_Preset" : "Preset", "w_Refresh" : "Refresh", "w_Camera Setup" : "Camera", "w_Camera Attribute" :"Image", "w_Code Stream" : "Bit Rate (kbps)", "w_Network Settings" : "Network", "w_TCP/IP Settings" :"TCP/IP", "w_Network general" :"Basic", "w_PPPOE": "PPPoE", "w_DDNS Settings" : "DDNS", "w_IP Purview" : "IP Filter", "w_Mail Settings": "SMTP (Email)", "w_FTP Settings": "FTP", "ServerAddr": "Server", "w_FTP Server": "FTP Server", "w_ftp_serverPath": "Store Path", "w_AccessEncryption":"Access Encryption", "w_RtspEncryption":"RTSP Encryption", "w_OnvifEncryption":"ONVIF Encryption", "w_WEBAccessPort":"WEB Access Port", "w_RTSPAccessPort":"RTSP Access Port", "w_PTZControlPort":"Control Port", "w_Event manage" : "Event", "w_Video Check": "Video Detect", "w_Input": "Input", "Output": "Output", "w_AlarmConf": "Alarm", "w_Timetable":"Schedule", "w_Sysmanager" :"System", "w_Language_Time" : "Language & Time", "w_DeviceLanguage" : "Device Language", "w_User Management": "Users Manage", "w_Users":"Users", "w_Default Setting" : "Factory Reset", "w_Reserved_network" : "Retain network configuration(IP address, ports)", "w_Not_Reserved_network" : "not preserve network configuration", "w_Reboot Setting" : "Reboot", "w_Erase Setting" : "Repartition", "w_Firmware Upgrade" : "Upgrade", "w_Edition Info": "Version", "w_humidity_temperature detection" : "Humidity_temperature detection", "w_temperature" : "Temperature", "w_humidity" : "humidity", "w_DefaultConfig" :"Reset Defaults", "w_DefConfirmConfig" : "Are you sure you want to reset to factory default settings?", "w_RebootConfirmConfig" : "Are you sure you want to reboot?", "w_Repartition_dialog_prompt" : "Are you sure to repartition?", "w_Repartition_dialog_name" : "Repartition", "w_Confirm" : "Save", "w_Brightness" :"Brightness", "w_Contrast": "Contrast", "w_Saturation" :"Saturation", "w_Acutance": "Sharpness", "w_Exposure Mode" : "Exposure", "w_Kmregulate" : "Shutter", "w_Gainregulate" : "Gain Regulate", "w_Flicker" : "Anti-Flicker", "w_Backlight" :"BLC", "w_HLC" :"HLC", "w_Denoise2D" :"2D NR", "w_Denoise3D" :"3D NR", "w_Anti_human_face":"Anti_human_face", "w_AWBRedGain" :"Red Gain", "w_AWBGreenGain" :"Green Gain", "w_AWBBlueGain" :"Blue Gain", "w_AWBMode" :"W/B Mode", "w_VideoFormat" :"Power Frequency", "w_HorizonFlip" :"Horizon Flip", "w_VerticalFlip" :"Vertical Flip", "w_RotateMode" :"Rotate Mode", "w_ShutterMode" :"Shutter Mode", "w_ShutterSpeed" :"Shutter Speed", "w_IspColorMode" :"ISP Color Mode", "w_IspNightMode" :"ISP Night Mode", "Light Mode" :"Light Mode", "PureInfraredLight" :"Pure infrared light", "PureWhiteLight" :"Pure white light", "WhiteWhenInfrared" :"Open white light when Infrared triggered", "InfraredWhenWhite" :"Open infrared light when white triggered", "AdvancedImageOptions" :"Advanced Image Options", "ImageOption" :"Light Image Option", "Lights_off_sensitivity":"Lights off sensitivity", "Normal" :"Normal", "PreventOverexposureFace" :"Prevent overexposure face", "FixedPreventOverexposureFace" :"Fixed prevent overexposure face", "IntelligentPreventOverexposureFace" :"Intelligent prevent overexposure face", "LicensePlate" :"License plate", "w_Day" :"Day", "w_Night" :"Night", "w_Disable" :"Disable", "w_Enable" :"Enable", "w_Auto" :"Auto", "w_Manual" :"Manual", "w_RestrictedAuto" :"Brightness Restricted Auto", "w_DayMode" :"Day Mode", "w_NightMode" :"Night Mode", "w_IRCutSetting" :"IRCut Setting", "w_IRCutMode" :"IRCut Mode", "w_KeepColor" :"Keep Color", "LED Delay" :"LED Delay", "w_Sensitivity" :"Sensitivity", "w_StartTimeNight" :"Start time of Night", "w_EndTimeNight" :"End time of Night", "w_ActiveMode" :"Auto", "w_DayAndNightMode" :"Timing", "w_PassiveMode" :"External", "w_ManualMode" :"Manual", "w_InversePassiveMode" :"Inverse Passive", "w_Audio_Encode" :"Encode", "w_Audio_Volume" :"Volume", "w_Audio_EncodeEnable" :"Enable", "w_Audio_EncodeType" :"Encode Type", "w_Audio_SampleRate" :"Sample Rate", "w_Audio_Bitrate" :"Bitrate", "w_Audio_CaptureVolume" :"Audio Input Volume", "w_Audio_PlayVolume" :"Audio Output Volume", "w_Audio_AmplifyEnable" :"Amplifier", "w_BlockCount" :"Block Count", "w_EnableNightTime" :"Night Time", "w_NightStartTime" :"Night Start Time", "w_NightEndTime" :"Night End Time", "w_NightSensitivity" :"Night Sensitivity", "w_NightThreshold" :"Night Threshold", "w_Scene Mode" :"White Balance", "w_Motion Detect" : "Motion Detect", "w_humiture Detect" : "Temperature&humidity detection", "w_faceAlarm Detect" : "faceAlarm detection", "Human Detect" : "Human Detect", "Human Detection Settings" : "Human Detection Settings", "Face Detection Settings" : "Face Detection Settings", "Draw rect in video" : "Draw rect in video", "Sound alarm" : "Sound alarm", "w_EncodeMode" : "Encode Mode", "w_Resolution" : "Resolution", "w_FramePerSec" : "Frame Rate (fps)", "w_BitRateControl" : "Bit Rate Type", "w_suggestbitrate" : "Reference Bit Rate", "w_Iframeinterval" : "Frame Interval", "w_AdvanceEncode" : "Advance Encode", "w_Profile" : "Profile", "w_HighProfile" : "High Profile", "w_MainProfile" : "Main Profile", "w_BaseProfile" : "Base Profile", "w_WDRMode" : "WDR Mode", "w_WDRValue" : "WDR Level", "w_DfrogFlag" : "Defogging", "w_DfrogValue" : "Defogging Level", "w_Audio": "Audio", "w_Video" : "Video", "w_Delete" : "Delete", "w_Mode" : "Mode", "w_Static" : "Static", "w_DHCP" : "DHCP", "w_Mac Address" : "MAC Address", "w_IP Address" : "IP Address", "w_Subnet Mask" : "Subnet Mask", "Invalid subnet mask" : "Invalid subnet mask", "w_Default Gateway" : "Default Gateway", "w_First DNS Server" : "Preferred DNS Server", "w_Second DNS Server" : "Alternate DNS Server", "w_EnableCloud" : "Enable", "w_CloudType" : "Cloud Type", "w_LoginStatus":"Login Status", "w_CloudID" : "Cloud ID", "w_QR_Code" : "QR Code", "w_HanbangHongYanCloud":"Hanbang Hong Yan Cloud", "w_Default" : "Default", "w_Begin Dial-up" : "Enable", "w_StartUp" : "Enable", "w_Minute" : "Minutes", "w_SMTP Server" : "SMTP Server", "w_Port_NoSSL" : "Port(No Support SSL)", "w_Port" : "Port", "w_smtp_sender" : "Sender", "w_smtp_subject" : "Subject", "w_smtp_recv_address" : "Receive Mail Address", "w_smtp_cc_address" : "CC Mail Address", "w_smtp_test_wait" : "Please confirm if you have received the test email.", "w_SSL" : "SSL", "w_No_Empty" : "Can't be empty!", "w_ADD" : "Add", "w_Amend" : "Modify", "w_Test Email" : " Email Test ", "w_Startup UPNP" : "Enable", "w_Protocol" : "Protocol", "w_TimeAlarmPeriod" : "Schedule", "w_Second" : "Seconds", "w_Setting Area" : "Detection Area", "w_RecordChannel" : "Record", "w_RecordDelay" : "Record Delay", "w_TriggerRecording" : "Trigger Recording", "w_TriggerSnapshot" : "Trigger Snapshot", "w_AlarmRecord" : "Alarm Record", "w_VideoStream" : "Video Stream", "w_RecordFormat" : "Video Format", "w_isRecordAudio" : "With Audio", "w_PrerecordTime" : "Prerecord Time", "w_RecordTime" : "Record Time", "w_UploadToFTP" : "Upload To FTP", "w_SendEamil" : "Send Email", "w_AlarmSnap" : "Alarm Snapshot", "w_PreSnapTime" : "Presnapshot Time", "w_SnapTime" : "Snapshot Time", "w_SendFrequency" : "Send Frequency", "w_Send E-Mail" : "Send Email", "w_open_store_path" : "Open", "w_Snap" : "Snapshot", "w_Record" : "Record", "w_Recordschedule" : "Record Schedule", "w_Snapschedule" : "Snapshot Schedule", "w_InputPort" : "Input Port", "w_TriggerType" : "Trigger Type", "w_NormalOpen" : "Normal Open", "w_NormalClose" : "Normal Close", "w_TriggerOutput" : "Trigger Output", "w_OutputPort" : "Output Port", "w_OutputType" : "Output Type", "w_Duration" : "Duration", "w_everyday" : "Everyday", "w_Sunday" : "Sunday", "w_Monday" : "Monday", "w_Tuesday" : "Tuesday", "w_Wednesday" : "Wednesday", "w_Thursday" : "Thursday", "w_Friday" : "Friday", "w_Saturday" : "Saturday", "w_Weekall" : "All", "w_Time1" : "Period 1: ", "w_Time2" : " Period 2: ", "w_Time3" : " Period 3: ", "w_Time4" : " Period 4: ", "w_Time5" : " Period 5: ", "w_Time6" : " Period 6: ", "w_MD" : "Motion Detect", "w_Add_All":"Add All", "w_Remove_All":"Remove All", "w_MouseAddBlock_Info":"Add motion area : Drag from left to right.", "w_MouseRemoveBlock_Info":"Remove motion area : Drag from right to left.", "w_Setup FTP" : "Enable", "w_Manner" : "Protocol", "w_Setup NAS" : "Enable", "w_Setup ISCSI" : "Enable", "w_Date-Time" : "Date & Time", "w_Language" : "Language", "w_UpdateMethod" : "Update Method", "w_UpdateMethod_NTP" : "NTP", "w_UpdateMethod_Manual" : "Manual", "w_UpdateMethod_P2P" : "P2P", "w_TimeZone" : "Time Zone", "w_SysTime" : "Current Time", "w_DSTEnable" : "Enable DST", "w_BeginTime" : "Start Time", "w_EndTime" : "End Time", "w_DST_Bias" : "DST Bias", "w_NTP Server" : "NTP Server", "w_UpdatePeriod" : "Update Period", "w_UserName" : "User Name", "w_User Group" : "Group", "w_Numbers" : "No.", "w_Group Name" : "Group Name", "w_Remark" : "Description", "w_AddUser" : "Add User", "w_ModifyUser" : "Modify User", "w_DeleteUser" : "Delete User", "w_Import Upgrade" : "Select Firmware :", "w_Upgrade" : "Upgrade", "w_UpgradeRequestSend" : "Upgrade request has been sent", "w_updating,please wait." : "Transmitting files. Please don't leave this page or close the browser.", "w_UpgradeRebooting..." : "File upload success! Page will automatically reload after upgrade is complete .", "w_Rebooting..." : "Rebooting...", "w_start_wireless_network" : "Start wireless network", "w_encryption_method" : "Encryption method", "w_key_type" : "Key type", "w_key_index" : "Key Index", "w_authentication_mode" : "Authentication mode", "w_wifiap_password" : "wifi Password", "w_work" : "work", "w_Channel_area" : "Channel area", "w_Signal_channel" : "Signal channel", "w_function" : "function", "w_No_1" : "No", "w_Enable_PING_Surveillance_Dog" : "Enable PING Surveillance Dog", "w_time_interval" : "time interval", "w_Maximum_number_of_timeouts" : "Maximum number of timeouts", "w_kernelVersion" : "Kernel Version", "w_fsVersion" : "File System Version", "w_Serialnumber" : "S/N", "w_verWebconfig" : "Web Plug-in Version", "w_noVerWebconfig" : "Not detected", "w_downloadWebconfig" : "Download Web Plug-in", "w_newWebconfigInfo" : "Plugin update is required. Please install the new plugin and restart the browser once installation is complete.", "w_newWebconfigDownload" : "New web plugin is required; click here to install.", "w_WebconfigDownload" : "Please click here to download the plugin and then install it as administrator.", "w_localStoreWebconfigInfo" : "New web plugin is required; click this to install.", "w_Reset_password_label_Tips" : "8-16 digits, only two or more combinations of numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and special characters.", "w_Reset_passwords" : "Reset Password", "w_downloadWebconfig_CD" : "Please install the web plugin from the CD", "w_newWebconfigInfo_CD" : "New web plugin is required. Please install it from the CD.", "w_localStoreNeedIE" : "'Browse...' need to use IE browser", "Succeed in saving configure" :" Save Successful!", "Uninstall NFS successfully" :"Uninstall NFS successfully", "Uninstalling NFS failed" :"Uninstalling NFS failed", "SucceedAndReloadLater" :"Configuration is successful; will reload automatically.", "Saving failure" :"Save failed", "higher value, sooner light is turned off" : "The higher the value, the sooner the light is turned off", "higher value, sooner light is turned on" : "The higher the value, the sooner the light is turned on", "Port multiplexing, restored to default" : "Port multiplexing, restored to default", "Operateingfailure":"Operation Failed!", "SnapSucceed":"Snapshot success", "SnapFailure":"Snapshot failure, no write permission", "RecordStart":"Recording started; click the button again to end recording", "RecordEnd":"Recording stopped", "RecordFailure":"Record failure, no write permission", "TalkbackStart":"Talkback started; click the button again to end talkback", "TalkbackEnd":"Talkback stopped", "TalkbackFailure":"Two-way audio failed; please connect microphone and speaker.", "Alarm":"Alarm", "DefaultAndSave":"Default settings have already been applied", "Defaultsuccess":"Default settings set, please click 'Save' to keep default settings", "Defaultfailure":"Could not set default settings", "Operateingsuccess":"Refresh Successful", "CancelSuccess":"Cancel Successful", "w_ChangePwd":"Modify Password", "w_Pwdconfirm":"Confirm Password", "w_Save":"Save", "w_NewPwd":"New Password", "w_OldPwd":"Old Password", "w_Administrator":"Administrators", "w_Operator":"Operators", "w_User":"Users", "w_AdministratorDescription":"Have all the permissions", "w_OperatorDescription":"Have all permissions except for user management", "w_UserDescription":"Only watch configurations", "w_AddUserSucceed":"Added user successfully", "w_AddUserFailure":"Failed to add user", "w_EditUserSucceed":"Edited user successfully", "w_EditUserFailure":"Failed to edit user", "w_DelUserSucceed":"Deleted user successfully", "w_DelUserFailure":"Failed to delete user", "w_NoUser":"Without this user", "w_NoUserRemove":"Select a User to Remove ", "w_NoUserChange":"Select a User to Edit", "w_ConfirmUser":"Are you sure you want to remove this user?", "w_DelCurrentUserFail":"Can't delete the user currently logged on!", "w_DisableCurrentUserFail":"Cannot disable the current logged in user!", "w_PwdDif":"Password does not match", "w_UserNameNeed":"Username cannot be empty", "w_Badstring":"Your input can only contain numbers, letters and '_'", "w_Badstring1":"Username cannot contain special characters such as &<>@!;\\\"", "w_UserNameExist":"The username already exists!", "w_path_error":"Invalid format of path", "w_disk_error":"The disk can only be letters", "w_folderName_noEmpty":"Folder name cannot have Spaces in the beginning and end", "w_pathString_error":"Folder name cannot contain / : * ? \" < > |", "w_PwdString_error":"Password cannot contain \" < > & !", "w_Badlengtsh":"The minimum password length is 8 characters", "w_Stringlong":"You can only input a maximum of 15 characters", "w_Stringlong32":"You can only input a maximum of 32 characters", "w_Pwdlong":"The maximum password length is 15 characters", "w_Badpwd":"Password can only contain numbers and letters", "w_Badpwd1":"Password cannot contain special characters such as &<>@!;\\\"", "w_Oldpwdwrong":"Your old password is incorrect", "w_Alarm":"Alarm", "w_Time":"Time", "w_Alarm Type":"Alarm Type", "w_Alarm Channel":"Alarm Channel", "adapted window" : "Adaptive", "Original Rate" : "Original", "w_Software_decoding" : "CPU decoding", "w_hardware_decoding" : "GPU decoding", "w_SysOpr" : "System", "VideoMotion" : "Motion Detect", "GOP" : "Frame Interval", "BitRate" : "Bit rate", "Enable" : "Enable", "w_Import" : "Browse...", "MotionDetect" : "Motion Detect", "appEventVideoMotion":"Motion Detect", "Jan":"Jan", "Feb":"Feb", "Mar":"Mar", "Apr":"Apr", "May":"May", "Jun":"Jun", "Jul":"Jul", "Aug":"Aug", "Sep":"Sep", "Oct":"Oct", "Nov":"Nov", "Dec":"Dec", "1st" : "1st", "2nd" : "2nd", "3rd" : "3rd", "4th" : "4th", "LastWeek" : "LastWeek", "w_System Info":"Information", "w_Memory Manage":"Storage", "w_Memory general" :"General Config", "w_Memory Settings" :"Storage Config", "w_LocalStorage":"Local Storage", "w_EnableLocalStorage":"Memory Card & USB", "w_NetworkStorage" :"Network Storage", "w_Enable_NFS" :"NFS", "w_NFS_server":"NFS Server", "w_NFS_serverPath":"Store Path", "w_AllowCoverOldRecord" :"Allow Overwrite", "w_TimeLapse" :"Time-lapse", "w_MaxRecordTime" :"Max Record Time", "w_scheduleRecord" :"Schedule Record", "w_MediaFormat" :"Media Format", "w_SnapMainStream" :"Snapshot(Main Stream)", "w_SnapSecondStream" :"Snapshot(Sub Stream)", "w_JpegInterval":"Snapshot Interval", "w_sec_per_photo":"Seconds", "w_sec_per_temperature":"Celsius", "w_sec_per_humidity":"Per relative humidity", "w_lower_limit":"_lower_limit", "w_Upper_limit":"_upper_limit", "w_storageDev" :"Device Manager", "w_storageDevInfo" :"Device Infomation", "w_sd_1" :"SD 1", "w_sd_2" :"SD 2", "w_usb_dev" :"USB Storage Device", "w_network_dev" :"Network Storage Device", "w_DeviceStatus" :"Status", "w_TotalSize" :"Total Size", "w_UsedSize" :"Used Size", "w_FreeSize" :"Free Size", "w_UsedPercentage" :"Used Percentage", "w_NotMount" :"Not Mount", "w_Mounted" :"Mount", "w_Mount" :"Mount", "w_Unmount" :"Unmount", "w_Format" :"Format", "w_FormatConfirmPrompt" :"This operation will delete all of your data! Are you sure you want to format?", "w_MountSuccess" :"Mount success", "w_UnmountSuccess" :"Unmount success", "w_FormatSuccess" :"Format success", "w_MountFailure" :"Mount failure", "w_UnmountFailure" :"Unmount failure", "w_FormatFailure" :"Format failure", "w_Format_ing" :"Format...", "w_Video Encode":"Encode", "w_OSDEnable":"OSD", "w_OSDOverlap":"Overlay Items", "w_Bitrate":"Bitrate", "w_Resolution_Bitrate":"Resolution and bitrate", "w_OSDColorStyle":"Color Style", "w_BlackTextWhiteBackground":"Black text on white background", "w_WhiteTextBlackBackground":"White text on black background", "w_BlackTextWhiteBorderTransparentBackground":"Black text white border on transparent background", "w_WhiteTextBlackBorderTransparentBackground":"White text black border on transparent background", "w_WhiteTextTransparentBackground":"White text on transparent background", "w_BlackTextTransparentBackground":"Black text on transparent background", "w_OSDFontSize":"Font Size", "w_OSDFontSizeSmall":"Small", "w_OSDFontSizeMedium":"Medium", "w_OSDFontSizeLarge":"Large", "w_OSDFontSizeGB28181":"GB28181", "w_OSDTime":"Time", "w_OSDWeek":"Week", "w_OSDTimePos":"Time Position", "w_LeftTopCorner":"Top left corner", "w_RightTopCorner":"Top right corner", "w_LeftBottomCorner":"Bottom left corner", "w_RightBottomCorner":"Bottom right corner", "w_OSDTimeFormat":"Time Format", "w_OSDTitle":"Title", "w_OSDTitlePos":"Title Position", "w_OSDTitleMsg":"Title Message", "w_OSDTitleMsgHint":"(^ split muti-line)", "Ptz":"PTZ", "w_synpc":"PC Sync", "Fullscreen Open":"Full Screen", "WHRate":"W:H", "Digital_zoom":"Digital Zoom", "Digital_zoom_cancel":"Cancel", "Digital_zoom_Enlarge":"Enlarge", "Digital_zoom_narrow":"Narrow", "Digital_zoom_drag":"Drag", "w_Realtime":"Real-time", "w_Smooth":"Smooth", "Sub Stream Service":"Protocol", "Port":"Port", "System":"System", "SslEnable0":"Disable", "SslEnable1":"Enable", "MapTableEnable0":"Disable", "MapTableEnable1":"Enable", "w_vspEnable":"Enable", "w_Yes":"Yes", "w_No":"No", "All":"All", "Back":"Back", "File List":"File List", "Save":"Save", "Fast":"Fast", "Slow":"Slow", "NextFrame":"NextFrame", "w_nextPicture":"next picture", "w_SelectPlaybackFile":"Please select the file to play", "playback_session_id_error":"Only one playback at a time; please stop other players.", "All Record":"All Record", "w_VideoAudio":"Video & Audio", "w_OnlyVideo":"Only Video", "Sun":"Sun", "Mon":"Mon", "Tue":"Tue", "Wed":"Wed", "Thu":"Thu", "Fri":"Fri", "Satu":"Sat", "1month":"Jan", "2month":"Feb", "3month":"Mar", "4month":"Apr", "5month":"May", "6month":"Jun", "7month":"Jul", "8month":"Aug", "9month":"Sep", "10month":"Oct", "11month":"Nov", "12month":"Dec", "File Type":"File Type", "Stream Type":"Stream Type", "Record Type":"Record Type", "Play":"Play", "w_useMannageErr_PwdNotMatch":"Password does not match!", "w_wrongServerName":"Server name can contain only numbers, letters, '.', '_' and '-'", "w_AddInPtz" : "Add", "w_DelInPtz" : "Del", "w_SetInPtz" : "Set", "w_delete":"Delete", "w_ipv4_range":"The valid IPV4 range is from 1 to 223.", "w_ipv4_range_1":"The valid IPV4 range is from 0 to 223.", "w_valid_range_from":"Limit number range: from", "w_valid_range_to":"to", "w_valid_range_preferred":"Limited range of Numbers:", "w_valid_range_defaults":"The default value is", "w_valid_range_or_from":", or from", "w_ipv4_range_last":"The valid IPV4 range should be between 1 and 254.", "w_ipv4_range_last_1":"The valid IPV4 range should be between 0 and 254.", "w_configFile":"Profile", "w_changeByTime":"Schedule", "w_Threshold":"Threshold", "w_Picture":"Picture", "w_PrivacyMasking":"Privacy Mask", "w_VideoPreview":"Preview", "w_PrivacyArea1":"Area 1", "w_PrivacyArea2":"Area 2", "w_PrivacyArea3":"Area 3", "w_PrivacyArea4":"Area 4", "ROI":"ROI", "Threshold" : "Threshold", "Status":"Status", "w_Download":"Download", "w_online":"Online", "w_offline":"Offline", "w_threshold":"Threshold", "w_sound":"Sound", "w_Off":"Off", "PAL":"PAL", "NTSC":"NTSC", "w_RestoreFactory":"Restore to Factory Default settings", "w_RebootDevice":"Reboot", "w_Talkback":"Talkback", "Version":"Version", "SIP Server ID":"SIP Server ID", "SIP Server Address":"SIP Server Address", "SIP Server Name":"SIP Server Name", "SIP Server Port":"SIP Server Port", "Local SIP Port":"Local SIP Port", "Authentication ID":"Authentication ID", "SIP Username":"SIP Username", "SIP Password":"SIP Password", "Confirm Password":"Confirm Password", "Video Channel ID":"Video Channel ID", "Alarm ID":"Alarm ID", "Customize":"Customize", "Worser":"Worser", "Worse":"Worse", "Good":"Good", "Better":"Better", "Best":"Best", "Test":"Test", "Request sent" : "Request sent", "Picture quality" : "Quality", "IP Version":"IP Version", "App Name":"App Name", "Stream ID":"Stream ID", "Streaming Media":"Service Ports", "Control Protocol":"Control Protocol", "Authentication":"Authentication", "All Subnet Onvif":"All Subnet Onvif", "Menu or OK":"Menu/OK", "Thermal Imaging":"Thermal Imaging", "Web Version":"Web Version", "rtmp_label_why":"For example, the URL of the RTMP push stream is as follows. The corresponding parameters can be obtained by character / split.", "rtmp_label_port_value":"The default is 1935. If xxx.xxx.xxx is followed by ':number', the number is the port.", "Alarm Output":"Alarm Output", "Close":"Close", "All day alarm":"All day", "Night alarm":"Night", "Reboot":"Reboot", "Reset":"Reset", "Click Download":"Please Click to Download:", "Download plugin":"Download the plugin", "Remember_password":"Remember pwd", "Copyright Hanbang":"Copyright ©2016 Beijing Hanbang Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.", "Hanbang Platform":"Hanbang Platform", "IP or Domain Name":"IP/Domain Name", "Platform Registration Code":"Platform Registration Code", "DayShutterMode" :"Day Shutter Mode", "NightShutterMode" :"Night Shutter Mode", "DayShutterSpeed" :"Day Shutter Speed", "NightShutterSpeed" :"Night Shutter Speed", "Led Brightness Mode" :"LED Brightness Mode", "Led Brightness" :"LED Brightness", "Normal Led Brightness" :"Normal LED Brightness", "Alarm Led Brightness" :"Alarm LED Brightness", "Image Mode" :"Image Mode", "Normal mode" :"Normal", "Forced frame rate" :"Forced frame rate", "Super starlight mode" :"Super starlight mode", "Date" :"Date", "Auto Maintain" :"Auto Maintain", "Custom Title" :"Custom Title", "Horizontal" :"Horizontal", "Vertical" :"Vertical", "Transparency" :"Transparency", "Color" :"Color", "Text" :"Text", "Content" :"Content", "Type" :"Type", "Red" :"Red", "Green" :"Green", "Blue" :"Blue", "Success" :"Success", "Failure" :"Failure", "Connect Check" :"Connect Check", "Trigger Audio" : "Trigger Audio", "w_Minimum_interval" : "Minimum time interval", "Audio File" : "Audio File", "Play Times" : "Play Times", "Upload" : "Upload", "Invalid Filename":"File name can contain only numbers, letters, '.', '_' and '-'", "Intelligent Detection" : "Intelligent Detect", "Video Gate" : "Video Gate", "Forced anti-ficker" : "Forced anti-ficker", "Crop X pixels" : "Crop X pixels", "Crop Y pixels" : "Crop Y pixels", "Mono 16k mp3" : "In order to save camera storage space, it is recommended to use 16k mono mp3 files.", "Light Mode_h" :"Night Light Mode", "PureInfraredLight_h" :"Mode 1 (Infrared)", "PureWhiteLight_h" :"Mode 2 (LED)", "WhiteWhenInfrared_h" :"Mode 3 (Infrared + LED)", "InfraredWhenWhite_h" :"Mode 3 (LED + Infrared)", "ImageOption_h" :"Night Image Option", "Led Brightness Mode_h" :"Night Brightness Mode", "Led Brightness_h" :"Night Brightness Adjustment", "LED Delay_h" :"Night Image Threshold", "24 hours" :"24 hours", "12 hours" :"12 hours", "12 hours or 24 hours" :"12 Hours / 24 Hours", "The camera has insufficient free storage space" :"The camera does not have enough free space, please click the reset partition to restart and then upload the audio.", "The number of users has reached the upper limit" :"The number of users has reached the upper limit", "Invalid Address":"You can only enter numbers, letters, '.', '_' and '-'", "Standard":"Standard", "Compatible":"Compatible", "Protocol Type":"Protocol Type", "RTMP Standard Explain":"Split video frame transmission by NAL", "RTMP Compatible Explain":"Whole video frame transmission. Select this type to be compatible with some H5 players for live video sites.", "Alarm Duration" : "Alarm Duration", "Daytime Alarm" : "Daytime Alarm", "Night Alarm" : "Night Alarm", "Buy human detection algorithm" : "Click to buy human detection algorithm license.", "Intelligent Algorithm" : "Intelligent Algorithm", }